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Monday, July 18, 2005

I had a semi-eventful weekend.

Mr.Wonderful was in town*
So naturally I had to make myself look ravishing.
I found out I'm sort of involved in a love triangle (like triangle?)**
I find that slightly entertaining as well as refreshing, perhaps?

I've begun writing a short story called Cafe Intermezzo...hopefully every Friday I can crank something out to read.

*Mr.Wonderful has been around in my life for a LONG of these days, when i have enough nerve I will write a beautiful post about him. For now, he is just Mr.Wonderful who lives in GA and also has family in CA.

**So I was trying to set up my 25 year old friend with a guy I met at my brother's youth group. He's 27, they both live in the same house, and they see each other a lot, so naturally i thought, why not? It turns out that he likes me, but I like Mr.Wonderful, and I think Mr.Wonderful likes someone else, but I'm not sure. This guy is extremely nice, courteous, and in short a true gentleman. But I don't know...He's about 8 years older than me, and I don't feel that drawn to him...but who knows maybe i'm not giving him a chance? Anyway, I'm still going to work on setting up my 25 year old friend with him.
1:36 PM

4 Falling Stars


Fleeting Moments
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Cafe Intermezzo