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Thursday, January 19, 2006


So today was my stress day of classes, because on Thursdays I have 4 hour and 15 min classes all back to back. It is intense. I was sooo hungry and my stomach was growling...thank god i found a vending machine.
Anyway, I am really liking it here waaay better on main campus. Not only for the obvious reasons ( and I will post pictures of the gorgeous campus soon!) but even the level of thinking is so much higher. For example, in my 300 level African Economic Development class, the teacher showed a picture of Africa and just started pointing to countries, and the kids in the class just started yelling them out---Correctly. I guessed one right--Congo. I felt kinda dumb, but on the other hand, I like feeling like that because It motivates me to research, do my work, and come up on top.
Okay, and here is the new thing happening in my life. I met this guy back in SF, and I thought he was cute and really intelligent, but I only talked with him for like 10 minutes. And that was it; I didn't see him the rest of my break. So my brother went on this winter retreat thing, and he was there, and they were talking about random stuff, I came up obviously. And that night when i met the guy, it seemed like he wanted to talk to me more, but it didn't, and i kinda wondered about it, and then forgot. Well, on the ride up to Tahoe my brother found out that the guy thought i was 25 when he met me. Obviously I'm not. So my brother talked about me a bit, and told him I go to school in Atlanta, etc. Anyway, the guy might be coming out here in March for a couple of weeks for his job. So that'll be fun showing him around Atlanta. But, he also just got a MySpace account. And i added him as a friend, and sent him just a quick hello message, nothing flirtatious- just friendly...and he immediately replied with a pretty long email. Now here's my thing. I don't even know this guy really-- i mean from what i've heard from my brother is that he is an awesome guy, intelligent, fun, smart, etc. And i read his profile and he sounds amazingly fun. But my whole life (hah!my whole life...that sounds like i'm 35), i've just let guys chase after me and i didn't even put so much as a finger of effort into a relationship. OBVIOUSLY, i've learned....i've learned from that, but then again i don't really know how far I'm supposed to show potential interest. I don't even know if I want to take the plunge. It's been a good 6 months...but do I want to potentially start something?! Aahh, this is where the feelings of "NO YOU DON'T" start wandering in. But i don't know, he seems really great... I mean his story alone is intriguing: lives in Germany, but has Russian parents, just finished college...and in Germany you either have to do some civil service work in another country or go to the army (i think), and what are the chances that he ends up in San Francisco, CA?
I dunno what i'm thinking, what i want to get into....bah!
1:59 PM

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