It's fascinating how you just live day to day, and then randomly life just turns your world upside down-you're brother gets in a car accident, your aunt is internally bleeding and might not live for another 3 days, and your mom has to make an emergency trip to Russia. You just think to yourself, "Such is life." Unexpected events that force you to take unforseen actions. Yet, even in such adversity, I ponder how enigmatic and strangely beautiful life is- even when it isn't ethereal. For life to have such power over us is wonderfully baffling. As much as these events seem random, incidental circumstances are not simply just happenstance. Although our finite minds might not be able to comprehend why things happen or the purpose behind everything, life is a complex network. One event triggers another, and the correlation between the events is usually unknown to the human. Possibly even, a triggered event activates another circumstance in another being's life. Most of us as humans, are guided by our emotions; therefore a horrible occurence will cause one to go into a state of depression or sorrow. Yet, what if at that moment in time, as painful as it is, we understood that this event was a part of a higher, complex master plan- a plan that we have a part in. Possibly, for this period of time our life was needed to be used for something else to be triggered or released- and eventually something good and beautiful would emerge-because life is good and it always returns to it's original state of balance.
7:08 PM 0 Falling Stars |
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