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Saturday, March 05, 2005

Here i am sitting on a saturday night, babysitting my friend's children. i come up to her house most weekends, and while few understand my need to come up to her house, i've become content in knowing the purpose. It's not that I don't enjoy going out with my friend's on saturday night, or hanging out with people till the wee hours of the morning, but I've realized that, that will never be my life. And while the status quo is apalled that i choose this over having a 'normal college lifestyle', i have come to terms with the fact that I no longer regret it.
I would rather live in this environment, with people that I know care about me and my well being, rather than persistently trying to find my place of belonging in this new chapter of my life. If a niche has already been provided, why try to materialize another one? And the most important thing is that I feel safe here. I feel a peacefulness and calming presence. Of course there are times when I get bored, but it's almost as if the worries of this life don't affect me when i'm here. The warmth and comfort felt is undeniably real. Now why would I want to trade?
I've always felt like I was older than my age group, and maybe that's why the 'typical college lifestyle' is so unappealing to me. Because of how i've matured I feel like I've missed, or perhaps jumped over the normal hurdles that people my age experience.
8:56 PM

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