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Friday, February 03, 2006

I always think that not too much is going on with me, and when I turn around and think back actually there is a lot going on. As I was sitting in my African Economic Development class it dawned on me that i really don't know anything about Africa, and I really don't even know what i want to do. I don't even know if I want to go to law school now. I mean, there are SO many options and opportunities opening up. It's like, i've had my track set for me for a while now, and i'm realizing that there is actually more than one possible route. Like, I would love to do the PeaceCorps...but would I really? I want to get a law degree...but straight out of college? I would love to travel more...but do I have to get involved in internships? And it's okay, these questions are good--because they'll help me figure out what it is that I will be doing with the rest of my life.
I'm going on a retreat this weekend and I hope it'll be fun. I went to a meeting of the Reformed University Fellowship, it was pretty good and the people were sweet. So I just want to get to know them better, even though I am SO not a cabin/camping person, i HATE sleeping over, and then there's always that weird anxiety attack i get when i'm in a group and i don't really know anyone, and they're driving me away into the woods to a retreat. BUT, it's for the sake of meeting people and bonding so sacrifices are being made.
What else? Well the German guy thing is kinda dwindling down, i guess. We chatted a few times on MSN messenger, he still hasn't emailed me back--but he was sick so that's a viable excuse. I just hate, HATE this relationship being online/through email. And the weirdest thing, is that we think a like and have very similar enjoyments and hobbies. And i guess its weird when you meet someone like that, because it's not that they've changed their hobbies because they like you, but they are genuinely interested in the same stuff that you are. Weird. So you find yourself agreeing with every sentence and just being more excited to talk...except that it's online...and the english translation doesn't always come through...but anyway, hopefully we'll get to chat in person when i go back to CA for spring break. And honestly, you can't like someone through email and MSN Messenger...i just don't think it's real...not without physically having conversations and seeing the person.
SO, this whole post has been a whole bunch of rambling.. but i had some time so i thought i would write a few things.
5:19 PM

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