god, i'm such a loner. I have no idea why i care to still be her friend. she's like one of those people who you can't stay upset at. Sitting in the dining hall, I was just aware of how many people i knew, but really didn't. La pire souffrance est dans la solitude. All i need is just one friend. only one. but, that's apparently too much to ask for here. i just see most people my age as so boring and immature. but that is who i am surrounded by. i'm more fascinated by my fish, charlemagne, than the people at my college.when im hanging out with my older friends it's so much fun. and yeah, I, of all people know that age is not an appropriation of people's actions, but in college it's a great indicator. I feel so alone. I'm sick of counseling other peoples problems. I just want to have a decent conversation with somebody who knows me. Nyssa would be great at that, but of course she's on the other side of the country. Why did i dump myself out here again? oh yes, the education. I don't know anyone really. and i can't go back to masha land. I almost did earlier today, but i couldn't get in. eto iz za etogo malchika. after i'm getting back from spring break i am investing in a tv. sad and lonely. and i can't bring myself to let anyone in and know that. I close my eyes and let my heart be pacified.
drink up baby down, are you in or are you out? leave your things behind, because it's all going on without you.6:30 PM
0 Falling Stars
