don't you hate it when people talk to you in such a manner as if the words spilling from their mouths have been pre-recorded? don't you hate it when all you want is someone to listen to you, and actually have good advice to give you? don't you hate it when you feel like you're problems are a nuisance to others? don't you hate it when you become the go-to person for EVERYONES problems? don't you hate it when those exact same people don't have a second to spare for you...oh but wait, they do...when they need to shove their problems on you? don't you hate it when you can't find a kind ear; just someone who knows how to make you feel good no matter what? don't you hate it when your stomach hurts when you barely have eaten anything? don't you hate math teachers who make the final 17 pages, with 5 essay questions??? don't you hate it when you have NO transportation? don't you hate it when ______________? Yeah. Me too. 6:38 PM 3 Falling Stars |
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