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Saturday, May 21, 2005

So, naturally I'm alive, which means that the surgery went well. It was surprisingly quick, and the doctor was really adamant about explaining what he was doing and why he was giving me antibiotics, and where the IV was going to go, etc. The funny thing is I can't remember where I woke up, how I left, how I got into the car, or how i got out of the car. I mean, I slightly remember doing those things, but then i don't- and I wonder if I just imagined myself doing it. My teeth actually don't hurt at all. Except, today I woke up and the right side of my face is completely swollen. It kind of looks like half of my face is falling off. My dad kinda got worried because he thought that it could be an infection, and he said that thermometer read that I had a slight fever. He tried to call the doctor and see if i needed some antibiotics.
I'm not that hungry, surprisingly, but I want to eat something good, since my diet has mainly consisted of water and yogurt. Then again, I'm scared that I'll bite into something and my mouth will start throbbing and it won't stop and before I know it my whole face will blow up. Well, I'm sure my face won't blow up, but i don't want to deal with the throbbing pain. I mean it's only been 36 hours so i should be happy that my face looks relatively normal. Unfortunately, I was supposed to go out tomorrow and meet some of my brother's new friends. Obviously I don't want their first impression to be of me with half of my face blown up. So today, I'm trying to take anti-inflammatory pills and put ice on my face so that the swelling will go down. HOPEFULLY by tomorrow it will look more decent.
5:40 PM

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