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Thursday, February 16, 2006

You know how when babies are born they need the constant love and attention from their parents, or else they'll die. I heard that somewhere. Anyway, I think that as you grow older you need your parents more and more. Does that sound wacky or what? But think about it. They are they only people who know every single thing about you from the moment of your birth! I mean not many people know you from the second that you arrive on this planet. And then they are the only people who think that you are absolutely amazing and God's gift to mankind. Especially your mom. I think I need my mom even more now--i dunno maybe it's because i'm so lucky to have such an amazing one. No really, some people don't get the best parents and other people don't realize that they have an absolutely amazing person who knows so much about them right under their nose. I could go on and on about my mom's greatness, but it's better to tell those things to her than type them out.
I was thinking the other day the moment I realized my mom had an actual name. She was always "Mam" to me. You're probably thinking that's a typo. In Russia kids call their mom's "mama" and dad's "papa" in my infinite wisdom i shortened mama to mam. It was actually quite beneficial because if i really needed her the "a" turned into a long stressed vowel; or i could just say mam really quick multiple times instead of sounding like a monkey repeating two syllables redudantly. And then "Helen" came along...which wasn't even her real name it was her American name (the American version of Elena). As a kid i was like, who is Helen? WHAT? i thought your name was know how it is, your parents aren't ordinary humans--i mean in kids' eyes they can do everything. Well, for the most part my mom did do everything-she would leave work early to get my brother to soccer and me to horsebackriding on Wed., piano on Mondays, Karate on Tuesdays for my brother, and make dinner for two growing, nagging children and a husband.
So when i found out that my "Mam" had an actual name i realized that she was an individual too...oh and she had friends--her whole life didn't simply revolve around me. That was a novel concept in a little kid cute way.
ANYWAY, back to my point of this whole mom monologue. This has just been a rough week for some reason, i don't even know why. I'm not stressed--for once; just living by myself with the tv on all the time isn't as healthy as i thought it would be, and i was just going through some social issues, plus not too mention i'm not doing very well in my french class so that's been really dissapointing, and i just really miss everyone at home. So i had a mini break down on the phone with my mom earlier this week. And it was refreshing to get it all out; when i got off the phone i felt better. Five minutes later my mom calls me back.
"Is that place Atlantis that you always talk about, is it far from Georgia?"
Now, my family pretty much knows that i want to go to the Bahamas, and specifically the resort place Atlantis--its amazing.
At first i didn't get what she was talking about
"Atlantis, hmm..Atlantis, i don't quite remember what you are talking about" and then it hit me..."Atlantis, in the Bahamas??"
"Yeah...maybe you and your friend would wanna go there for a weekend just to get away, i could look up some prices online"
"I mildly chuckled out loud, but i was roaring my head off inside"
" LOL, mom i can't go to the Bahamas for a weekend!"

"Well, it was just a thought..."
How sweet and thoughtful is that! That's the type of person my mom is..she will go to great lengths to make someone feel better. I had no idea where the Bahamas trip came from; i guess she was really worried about me--tears can produce that affect, but still it made my day.

Lol, I really miss her.
4:57 PM

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