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Thursday, March 30, 2006

So yesterday was a good day. Today was okay-- I still think my friends are pretty lame. Some of them that is...Like tonight I went out to dinner with a couple of them, and one of my close friends here for some reason was just really irritating me...all of the little things she was doing were driving me she came up to main campus and asked me to dinner so that I would be her little buddy...nevermind i'm not going to go into because it's petty. I still wish i were back in SF. 5 1/2 weeks and counting. I need to start writing my three research papers. And i need to stop being lazy, and start going to events--I just hate going to stuff like that alone. And i need to cut back on the amount of french fries i've been eating and start walking more. It was nice and warm today.
7:51 PM

3 Falling Stars


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