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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I think back to the past six months, and I think they were amazing, but then I wish i hadn't opened myself up so much. You begin to learn to share everything: what you are feeling at that exact moment, how your day went, anything new you were pondering. You begin to learn to rely on that person , and when it's taken away from you rather suddenly (but at the same time you knew this would inevitably happen), you are forced to readjust your life. No longer is there someone to go to that moment when you are feeling helpless. No longer is there someone to ask about your day and how you are feeling. No longer is there someone there to alleviate your stresses and fears. And you can't just tell anybody, especially after you've learned to trust this individual. You are longing to share everything, but you restrain yourself because otherwise you will never become disattached.
And in that moment when you want to share everything but there is no one, a great fear besets you. The fear that you will be the only person who knows yourself. Are you anyone really if no one knows you? What if your life will go by unnoticed? What proof can you offer the world of your existence? Who will deem you worthy and acceptable?An anonymous life, but a living human. In essence that is what each of us longs for: a companion who will be an eyewitness to our life. That, to someone, your life will be held highest above all. Your actions and accomplishments will be forever held sacred in the memory of this one. Who you were, who you became was written on the heart of this one forever. They will offer proof of your existence. And the world cannot deny that which is forever inscribed in the heart.
1:59 PM

2 Falling Stars


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