For a while now, I've felt like my blog was being held hostage. And it wasn't until i wrote my last post that I really realized that.I mean, come on, who wants to read about professors writing chapters in 800 page books? But that isn't even the issue. The issue is that i had so much more to say, about how I was feeling, about what i'm going through, and because I knew certain people who I wanted to write about were reading it, I couldn't. I'm currently going through a really stressful situation with one of my closest friends. More stressful than finals--doesn't that say something. When I had the roommate from hell last semester, I could explode all of my emotions onto this blog. i could post as much as i wanted about the situation without anyone getting sick of it (unless of course you read it, and obviously just wanted to scream MOVE ON!). Now, since I knew this friend was reading my blog I hadn't been able to REALLY write about what i was feeling, so because it was on my mind it ended up in most of my conversations. Needless to say, people were sick of hearing about my issue, even though it was a difficult situation for me that I didn't know how to handle. There is more to the story, and when i'm up for it I'll write about it, but that's just one example. A blog is for people to be able to find a release. To be able to throw down words without caring about offending anyone or ruining relationships even further in real life. And the thing about other bloggers, is that we are all hear to find exactly that: an open outlet to speak OUR own minds, our own thoughts without being silenced. I enjoy comments from other bloggers about my personal life, not necessarily because I don't know you in person, but because we are all sharing our lives openly. My close friend and I have practically stopped talking about anything that matters, and she's mentioned that to me. So, i think it'll be healthy that she won't be able to just read my blog and know what's going on with me. She'll have to actually ask me about it. Anyway, i've had a lot on my mind lately, and it's time to liberate this blog again.11:16 AM
1 Falling Stars
